- Howdoes that box weigh? 那个盒子有多重?
- How much does that box weigh? 那个盒子有多重?
- The kitten uses that box as its bed. 小猫把那个盒子当做它的床。
- Is that box made of tin or steel? 这个箱子是白铁皮做的还是钢做的?
- The kitten uses that box as a bed. 小猫把那盒子当作床。
- This box is twice as large as that box. 这个箱子的大小是那个箱子的两倍。
- You look in this box and I look in that box. 你看这边的盒子,我看那边的盒子。
- That box is too small to hold all these things . 那盒子太小,装不下所有这些东西。
- Take that box of matches from the boy. 把火柴从那男孩手上拿开。
- Can you lift that box up onto the shelf for me? 你能替我把那个箱子搬到架子上吗?
- Do not destroy that box -- it may be useful . 别把那个盒子毁掉,它也许有用。
- Of couse. I think there are a few in that box. 当然可以。我想那只盒子里有几支。
- There is not any cigarette in that box. 那个盒子里没有香烟。
- This box weighs five kilogrammes. 这只箱子重五公斤。
- Shift that box will you; it's in my way. 你移动一下那个箱子好吗,它阻碍着我。
- Can you reach that box down for me? 你帮我把那个盒子拿下来好吗?
- Don' t throw that box overboard. 别把那只箱子抛入水中。
- Don't destroy that box--it may be useful. 别把那个盒子毁掉,它也许有用。
- Get me that box over there, will you? 请把那边的盒子给,好吗?
- The box weighs five kilogrammes. 那个盒子重五公斤。